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Sagacious Synchronicity's Mission

The Roots

My whole life, I've dedicated myself to enthralling my attention to the lives of others; from being a shoulder to lean on, to advising to simply being a listening ear. As I grew, so did my hunger for close-knit connections. As an inexperienced teen with my heart in the right place, albeit without any guidance, I searched to find my calling. Little did I know, I was working backward. Because of this, my journey to finding The Truth was a path unscathed. 

I realized that I didn't know who I was. Each time, I aimed to "find" who I was, I overlooked that I was rooted in everything I needed at that moment. I had to let go of the expectations, I had to stop second-guessing myself. I had to quiet the inner voice that was telling myself that I don't know what I want. I do. I want love, support, and respect. A foundation built on love, faith, and hope. In 2019, I reached a point of convergence. I decided I was no longer a victim of fate. All the trials and tribulations I had been through, weren't something I needed to hide or ignore, I embraced them because of the knowledge they brought me. I began holding myself accountable and chose to be intentional with my work. I stopped hiding my own emotions by trying to work on the emotions of others and began expressing how I truly felt. From there, the boundless amounts of emotions I had kept hidden within me spilled out and overflowed. I was no longer working from scarcity, but genuine abundance. I was able to not only express myself but allow others to express themselves authentically. No longer was my vision clouded, and when the smoke settled, I had an epiphany. 

There’s no place like “home.” And I know exactly where “home” is. I'll be there from this point forward, loving myself, by the grace and mercy of God. I had to forgive myself for not knowing things so that I could stop projecting my energy onto others. I also had to accept that people can only meet you as far as they've come themselves so that I could forgive others too. I founded Sagacious Synchronicity; its mission is to give others insight into my thoughts, while also allowing them to gain insight from their own. I also decided to share my favorite hobby with you all, which is cooking. There is power in doing what you are good at and what you love, while also helping others and making a career out of it. Honest expression only leaves room for honest introspection. Unbeknownst to most, you'd be surprised how well collective thoughts harmonize.

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