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Spoken Word: Secret Admirer x No Man’s Land

I’m trying something new out, talk to me! The name of the first poem is “Secret Admirer,” I wrote it June 14, 2020. Love is strange :\ Have you ever misunderstood the love you have for yourself as love for someone else? It’s pretty weird, you know, being inspired by someone and loving them for it in return... what’s even weirder is when the love you are inspired by, is inspired by the love you share too. I guess, in some way, we are all our own (and each other’s) secret admirers. The second poem is called “No Man’s Land,” and I wrote it December 7, 2020. 💗 All’s fair in love and war ⚔️ Love in a capitalistic system can start to feel more like competition and less like love. Constantly comparing your own short comings to the shortcomings of the ones you love, and masking your emotions in the guise of productivity. I willingly made an oath to fear vulnerability, like land on a battlefield I dare not touch. Instrumental is Better Days-Lakey Inspired

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